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Personalisation Across the Generations: The Dos and Don’ts for Gen X, Millennials & Gen Z.

Written by Caitlin Collins

The Xi software platform is built to provide customised, end-to-end digital experiences for fans, guests, customers – you name it.

We work with teams from the world’s most recognised brands to engage their audiences at live events, in their retail environments, and at venues from football clubs to visitor attractions. Over the course of millions of data interactions, along with marketing insights provided by our clients, we have had first hand experience in building positive moments with audiences. One of the most repeatable measures of success is through personalisation.

Personalisation holds significant value across all generations, whether it involves the thoughtfulness of something tailored specifically to an individual or by providing users with a creative outlet for self-expression. While the data shows that there is an appreciation for personalised experiences, spanning across all age groups, the underlying reasons can vary. Therefore, it is crucial for marketers to understand the nuances of each generation’s preferences.

To help you create the right experience for your targeted audience, we’re sharing our insights to explore the Dos and Don’ts of personalisation across different generations, with 6 takeaways per demographic.

We hope you enjoy!

Generation Z

Gen Z is known for their native use of technology, social-mindedness, and independent thinking. Having spent their lives with an abundance of information at their fingertips, they are proactive learners who value self-development and discovery.

Adapting to life in a digital age also comes with its challenges. Gen Z face significant mental health issues and have been described as the loneliest generation. They often find traditional marketing and advertising outdated and irrelevant, leading to frustration. As the generation of differentiation, Gen Z places a high value on unique, personalised experiences and products.

When organising a brand experience, it is crucial for marketers to understand the Dos and Don’ts when it comes to Gen Z:


Connect through Technology

Utilise modern and innovative technology to create meaningful connections and engage their love for innovation and adventure. Avoid using outdated technology or promoting trends that don't add value.

Support Skill Development and Learning

Create educational experiences that cater to their passion for self-improvement and discovery.

Enable Digital Independence

Design self-serve, automated activations that do not require staff assistance, catering to their comfort with digital autonomy.


Force Unnatural Interactions

Recognise their discomfort with large groups or forced in-person interactions that may require them to take action on socials, when they may not want to.

Overwhelm with Complexity

Give Gen Z options of a user journey, but simplify the choices and interactions to ensure the technology is user-friendly.

Use Generic Messaging

Steer clear of broad, one-size-fits-all messages that don’t allow them to exercise their individual identities. Tailor activations to allow Gen Z to personalise and make their experiences one-of-one.


Millennials stand out for their technological confidence and emphasis on “friendly” user interfaces. While they adapt quickly to new technology, they are hesitant about personal data sharing and want transparency from brands regarding data usage.

Characterised by a fondness for nostalgia, competitive nature, community-oriented mindset, and desire for a feeling of adventure, Millennials are unique in many ways.

This sociable generation prefers to spend money on experiences and entertainment rather than material possessions. They use technology and social media to enhance their in-person experiences and seek experiential retail environments, viewing shopping as an experience rather than just a transaction. Their social sharing habits reflect their eagerness for connection, often showcasing their activities, companions, and destinations.

When marketing to this generation, it’s essential to understand what to do and what not to do:


Offer In-Store Personalised Experiences

Enhance the shopping experience with personalised recommendations and interactions.

Facilitate Data Sharing for Personalisation

Encourage Millennials to share their data but be clear that it will lead to relevant and personalised experiences.

Focus on Experiential Spending

Consider ticketing access to the event or experience and providing FOC supplementary merch, over direct product sales.

Leverage Social Media Engagement

Be clear on how you will reward social sharing to emphasise their network’s fear of missing out from your experiences and boost their cultural clout.


Provide a Generic Experience

Avoid making the solution appear as a one-size-fits-all approach without an ability to personalise.

Create Overtly Commercial Experiences

Ensure the event doesn’t feel too sales-driven. When users do need to make purchases, surround them in entertainment so that they remember the excitement, not the spend.

Underestimate the Power of Keepsakes

Provide memorable takeaways from events like photos or merch, to keep as keepsakes that capture their experiences and memories.

Generation X:

Generation X is technologically adept and are independent thinkers, Gen Xers are not driven by hype or flashiness. They stay well-informed and can quickly identify inauthenticity, making them sceptical of advertising tactics. They are brand loyal and tend to stick to brands they know and trust rather than following the latest trends. Gen X loves a good deal, sale, voucher, and loyalty program, anything to make their lives easier.

This juggling generation balances children, mortgages, holidays, working, savings and investments: they highly value anything that simplifies their hectic lives.

When marketing to Generation X, there are a few key points to consider:


Focus on Convenience and Practicality

Provide actionable steps that allow users to enter an onboarding sequence at multiple moments, which all lead to the same journey.

Offer Loyalty Programs and Rewards

Implement loyalty programs that recognise repeat engagement, provide tangible benefits and offer a way to share with their networks.

Exchange Value & Trust

Highlight the reliability and trustworthiness of your brand. Offer valuable exchanges for personal data, ensuring it leads to relevant and personalised experiences.


Use Intrusive Tactics

Avoid collecting unnecessary personal data or use overtly ‘marketing’ messages that can come across as insincere.

Bombard with Irrelevant Messages

Don’t overwhelm them with too frequent communications that can feel invasive.

Overlook the Importance of Loyalty

Rewarding repeat visits, engagement or purchases by marking the occasion (even in name) will increase your brand’s standing.

Key Takeaways and Similarities Across Generations

Despite the differences in preferences and behaviours across Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X, there are several strategic themes that emerge.

Emphasis on Personalisation: All generations highly value personalised experiences that resonate with their individual identities and preferences. Therefore it is recommended to tailor experiences and interactions wherever possible, as this is universally appreciated.

Transparency and Trust: Transparency, especially regarding personal data usage, is critical. Whether it’s Gen Z’s scepticism of outdated methods, Millennials’ hesitance about data sharing, or Gen X’s ability to identify inauthenticity, trust is a cornerstone in building brand loyalty.

Technological Engagement: While each generation interacts with technology differently, they all appreciate user-friendly, relevant tech experiences.

Value and Convenience: Providing tangible benefits, such as deals, loyalty programs, and convenience, is a common thread across Generations, with Gen X valuing life convenience, Millennials placing a high value on experiential spending, and Gen Z looking for tech-enabled independence and self-improvement opportunities.

Social Connectivity: Social connectivity and community engagement are important across all generations. With Gen Z seeking meaningful connections through technology, Millennials thriving through social sharing, and Gen X valuing community and family orientation.

Avoiding Generic Approaches: One-size-fits-all tactics are ineffective. Personalised messaging and avoiding overly commercialised or intrusive tactics are essential for maintaining engagement and loyalty across all age groups.

By understanding and integrating these shared values and preferences, marketers can create compelling, personalised experiences that resonate deeply with each generation.

At Xi, we specialise in building experiential technology that caters to these diverse needs, providing end-to-end experiences for brand events, retailers, and attractions.

Our solutions are designed to enhance customer engagement, loyalty, and satisfaction by delivering tailored and memorable experiences.

By partnering with Xi, marketing agencies can ensure their clients’ brand resonates with their target market, whether that is Gen X, Millennial or Gen Z, to create lasting impressions and strong customer relationships.